The Downsides Of Washing Your Face With Water That's Too Hot (Or Cold)
If you’re looking to achieve calm and happy skin, it might be time to rethink how you wash your face.
Many of us wash our faces with hot water to open and clear our pores, finishing with cold water to close them. Not to mention, hot water just feels so relaxing on the skin, especially in the shower. But can exposing your skin to extreme temperatures do more harm than good? We spoke with dermatologists to find out how bad it really is to wash your face with hot water.
First of all, your pores don’t actually open or close.
Contrary to popular belief, pores don’t open and close like windows when exposed to hot or cold water. “The truth is, pores do not have muscles, so they cannot physically open or close in response to temperature,” said Dr. Hannah Kopelman, who has a focus in dermatology. “Hot water may temporarily loosen oils and debris on the skin, making pores appear cleaner, but it doesn’t actually change their size. On the other hand, cold water might temporarily constrict blood vessels, giving skin a tighter appearance, but it doesn’t shrink pores either.”
While pore size is mostly determined by genetics, there are a few other factors that can make pores appear more noticeable. “In some individuals, sebaceous glands are larger at baseline. In other individuals, sebaceous glands increase in size with age,” explained Dr. Sara Hogan, a board-certified dermatologist and founder of Cosmedica Dermatology. “Hormones can also influence the activity of sebaceous glands. Age and sun-related damage to the skin can lead to a loss of skin elasticity, which can affect structures in the skin. In all of these instances, pores can........
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