Why schools prefer other Boards over JKBOSE?
Over the last two years, there have been several reports about some schools switching affiliations from JKBOSE to other Boards in the country. It has been reported that several schools have changed their affiliations and have adopted either the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) or have opted for Cambridge curriculum.
In legal and administrative terms there is nothing wrong for a school to shift from one Board to another, or change the curriculum, but when it becomes a trend, it raises some questions. These questions are not as much about the schools that opt for other Boards as it is about the JKBOSE, J”K’s own board of school education.
The apprehension of the parents on this count may not capture the entire picture. The basic issue that needs to be addressed is why the private schools are now preferring CBSE or Cambridge over JK Board of School Education (JKBOSE). While in a particular case parents raised alarm over this switching of affiliations, or change of curriculum, there has been no word from the government regarding the issue.
In fact the issue came to........
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