I didn't realize a recent CNN story would attempt making me feel guilty about my annual father-son bonding ritual.
Each summer Gideon and I cut a series of radio commercials for my day-job employer (the local farmers cooperative), with the intention of having a little fun and, well, selling some stuff.
(Kids, don't try this at home. No, seriously. The radio station insinuated the recordings we did at home circa 2011 exhibited the acoustic qualities of a dying calf in a hail storm, so we have since dutifully trekked down to the high-tech studio.)
Now CNN reports on a TikTok trend called "underconsumption core" (which, as a catchy phrase, ranks considerably below "dying calf in a hail storm," in my humble opinion).
Much to the chagrin of leading retailers, consumers fed up with the shop-'til-you-drop mentality are rebelling. Instead of making trendy purchases to "keep up........
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