ZAB: the architect of modern Pakistan
There are such persons and leaders who cross the boundaries of time and circumstance to take their places among icons of change and vision. Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was one such leader. His name alone echoes across the annals of Pakistani political history.
Bhutto was born into the riches of Sindh in 1928. In his early years, he experienced all luxuries possible in that society, but it was through education and exposure to the world that he eventually found a pathway for his future to become one of Pakistan’s most important political figures. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the point of turning for the nation’s history, not because of his brains or his birth, but because of his steadfast perseverance to change the socio-political landscape of Pakistan.
Bhutto came into politics by education at the University of California, Berkeley, followed by his studies at Oxford University. This education exposed Bhutto to new concepts about governance, economics, and social justice. Upon his return to Pakistan, he entered politics very quickly; by 1967, he had founded the Pakistan People’s Party.
His charismatic leadership coupled with his grasp of the intricate complexities of Pakistan helped him strike a chord with the Pakistani masses, the rural and lower-class population being the most excluded by the elites in Pakistani politics.
Pakistan’s vision from Bhutto is bold and visionary. He intended to make it a modern society, progressive in nature, with equity for its citizens. This was manifested in his now-famous slogan, “Roti, Kapra, Aur Makan” or bread, clothing, and shelter. In his tenure, he encouraged the........
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